Interesting Mathematics Quiz: Explain the answer and win exciting e-book

Mathematics Quiz 1:

1. There are 10 pair of red colored socks and 10 pair of black colored socks in Box1 and there are same number of red colored and black colored hand gloves in Box2. How many socks and hand gloves have to take out from two boxes at a time to get a pair of socks with same colour and a pair of hand gloves with same colour ?
( বাক্স নং 1 এ , 10 জোড়া লাল  রঙের আর 10 জোড়া কালো রঙের মোজা আছে। আর  বাক্স নং  2 তে , একই সংখ্যক লাল এবং কালো রঙের দস্তানা আছে । একই রঙের এক জোড়া মোজা এবং একই  রঙের এক জোড়া দস্তানা বেছে  নেবার জন্য বাক্স দুটি থেকে একবারে কতগুলি করে মোজা আর দস্তানা বের করে নিতে হবে ?)

... Answer is D)


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  1. The answer is A). Because in box 1 objects are in pair form So if I pick 20 pairs of socks,then I have got all the socks.Now if I pick 3 gloves from box 2 then there must be 2 gloves of same colour i.e. red or black.So in any case I have got a pair of socks and gloves with same colour.

  2. I think that none of the above option is correct. Below I have explained why I think so-

    Option A-it is an incorrect option since we may choose 20 red socks from Box-1 and 3 black hand gloves from Box-2

    Option B- it is also an incorrect option since we may have chosen 3 red socks from Box-1 and 20 black hand gloves from Box-2

    Option C- this is not correct because we may have chosen 20 red socks and 1 black sock from Box-1 and 3 black hand gloves from Box-2

    Option D- it is also an incorrect option since we may have chosen 3 red socks from Box-1 and 20 black hand gloves and 1 red hand glove from Box-2

    In all the above cases we do not get a pair of socks and a pair of hand gloves of the same colour. So each of the given options are incorrect

    By the way, one of the correct answers may be, choosing 3 socks from Box-1 (so that we get one pair of socks of one colour), and 22 hand gloves from Box-2 ( so that we get pair of hand gloves of each colour)


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